
how to make my team bigger?

@Passionate_Player said in #11:
> Plz answer n feel free to join he said and it's not an advertisement, believe me

YES THANK YOU i said "if u want feel free to join" not something like "join my team"
@Sack_o_Potatoes said in #1:
> hi all i recently made a team but i dont know how to get people to join because im the only member so idk how to get ppl to join so plz answer and feel free to join it here if u want
How to make your team bigger:
Step 1: Make the team.
Step 2: Wait and pray for someone to join it.
Or putting the team link on your profile.
Works for me, now my team has 5 members.
@Sack_o_Potatoes said in #1:
> hi all i recently made a team but i dont know how to get people to join because im the only member so idk how to get ppl to join so plz answer and feel free to join it here if u want
I had a 32 member one and I closed it bc it sucked xD
Keep many tournament. It will make your team best. Tell to your friends about that
I think the issue here is that you named your team "Sack Studies"

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