
Text left of analysis board is neat

I think this a great idea, personally I also would love to see some sort of chat on the bottom of the text for people to chat about the position.
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Won't that be too much? Maybe allowing only titled players can be implemented but everyone? That will be too much chaos. Don't you think?
There would definitely need to be a limited number of positions that it could apply to, otherwise there would be no practical way to store all of the chats that would be created for every position.
Perhaps, only titled players could make public comments, and untitled players could reply to the comments or make private notes?
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@ashish95 said in #4:
> Won't that be too much? Maybe allowing only titled players can be implemented but everyone? That will be too much chaos. Don't you think?

The same thing could be said about tournament chat rooms. What's the difference here?
@InfiniteFlash said in #8:
> The same thing could be said about tournament chat rooms. What's the difference here?

The chat room is for general chat. The context will change and a new chat will appear. Also, nobody will give any attention to chat if they want to watch the broadcast later because chat is mostly done based on the current situation and hence they don't hold such great value.

Whereas the feature being discussed here is related to knowledge and reference. You want this to be looked at by others later, right? So, doesn't it make sense that people with some credibility do the commenting here? It is not just for communication but for reference as far as I understood.

Okay, fair enough. I guess chat rooms are also inherently not good places to have organized discussions. It'd have to be something similar to what Disqus runs for comment threads here:

I personally wouldn't put rating/title restrictions on who can comment though. Lower rated players can post good questions/comments. I'd hope that the upvote/downvote feature (see link above) would filter out the credible posts from the non-credible posts.

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