
No more take-backs.

no mouse-slip in real chess but also no mouse in real chess platform needs new etiquette...
well, most of the time you can see if it's a slip.
If its a genuine slip like Kf1 instead of Kg1 when they wanted to castle I'll give it....takebacks for bad moves makes a mockery of the game
Takebacks are bad behaviour, running off the responsibility for what you do. Giving and asking for takeback is disrespectful. That's why takebackers complain, if someone doesn't share their opinion.
In online chess, Top level players simply resign if they misclick, sometimes they even lose the whole championship due to a mouseslip, we should learn from them to accept it. Even if its a mouse slip, it counts as a mistake because of your inability to precisely aim at the pieces, just accept it and improve to the conditions of online chess.
@GrandLapin. #3. The truth is that people lie. And those who ask for a takeback when it's a mistake and not a mouse-slip are more likely to not be trust-worthy.
if both players are having a good game I usually allow one or two.. if your opponent is lower in the pecking order destroying them takes the fun out of the game..

This is not at all nefarious because you give them a bit of push before their demise it is just my way of being polite and make the game more enjoyable?

In contrast with the news speak I actually like to have the feature it allows higher rated players to help lower rated players learn and enjoy their game more.
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Taking literally what you said: Accepting takebacks is no good. Indeed!

Why do you never decline them?

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