
Who are your neighbor countries and what is your impression of them?

@Dukedog said in #8:
> Canada I'd love to explore the country on horseback for a year or so.Much of my impression of Canadian people comes from Great White North ( SCTV ). Currently a Canadian company is trying to rape a nearby mountain range in the name of copper profits ( Google save the scenic Santa Ritas) so I'm a bit upset about that .

Yeah , a lot of Canadians are not happy about that as well , sorry.

It should be mentioned that the mine is in Arizona and the American Government certainly is capable of stopping it should they choose to do so.

The business leaders on both sides are using international laws to slip past many of the protections.

On a lighter note touring Canada on horseback would get pretty cold for about 8 months during winter. Temperatures , even in many southern parts , can reach as low as -40 F at times.

If you are from Arizona the Grand Canyon is a wonderful place many Canadians love to visit , a bit too hot at times but that is what beer and air conditioning is for 8) .
Venezuela, Suriname , Brazil

Venezuela should improve its government and realize that the Essequibo river belongs to Guyana

Suriname idk much

Brazil is poor and should be a super power but it needs help otherwise I really like Brazil
Mexico and Canada are great neighbors

For different reasons - practically, they are great neighbors for the US because they are both quite friendly and cooperative - and good trading partners, between our 3 countries we take care of the majority of our trade pretty much.

Mexico is a lot more badass than people give it credit for - it's a lot more than 'corruption, or cartels' - it's one of the most beautiful countries on the planet, with some of the most amazing nature and ancient culture... and really awesome people.

Canada is just freakin' huge, with also nice people - and amazing nature. Thankfully it is large enough, rugged enough and sparsely populated enough to be able to withstand the pressures of the resource extraction without totally ruining the country.
@Mopman said in #11:
> On a lighter note touring Canada on horseback would get pretty cold for about 8 months during winter. Temperatures , even in many southern parts , can reach as low as -40 F at times.

8 months of winter temp? Wtf? lol
@bfchessguy said in #15:
> 8 months of winter temp? Wtf? lol

To be fair only 6 of them are regular winter with aprox a month on either end being spring and fall and uncertain weather , but in the Province I live in there have been some occasions where snow has fallen in every month except June and July .
@Mopman said in #16:
> To be fair only 6 of them are regular winter with aprox a month on either end being spring and fall and uncertain weather , but in the Province I live in there have been some occasions where snow has fallen in every month except June and July .

6 months dude! lol

You really don't know what you're talking about. April, May, September, and October are not winter months.. Even November would be nice temp for a horse ride. Maybe not temp to your liking but nothing that would stop me for a horse ride.
I think that depends on the individual , I was conversing about horse riding with Dukedog whom I was guessing based on his posts lives in Arizona.

When I traveled down to Florida years ago people were complaining about how cold the day was ( 75 F ) and wearing jackets while I was sweating in a light t-shirt.

It's all relative .
Indonesia : Calls us warmongers every time we launch a new surveillance patrol-boat. Nice food.
New Zealand : Like us, but more genteel, and better at Rugby Union.
Antarctica : A bit on the chilly side, but the penguins are friendly.
Canada or Mexico do not have enough crabs. Canada also has a weird fascination with mounties and Tim hortens. Mexico is cool when it isn’t ruled by the Freemasons. New Jersey is also has too many toll roads ️.

This is (mostly) a joke, I do not mean to offend anyone

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