
Howto best fight ignorance as a phenomenon in society and on individuals?

what's wrong with the scholar systems, with education through parents, family and friends, that so many people ...
• ...can't reason well and right and logically consistent, or even only ...
• ...aren't able to tell facts from opinion or belief. They ...
• ...generalize from single distinct cases to some whole or all andor everything andor everywhere andor always andor everyone. They ...
• ...think, what they know is all there is to know andor also think, they know everything better, and they ...
• ...conclude from themselves, from their lives and experiences, from their situation, to other people's state of the art. And also they are ...
• ...reluctant to change their mind on an issue, even when given good strong arguments or facts, unflexible in mind, stubborn, onedimensional.

How do you get such poorly reasoning individuals to wake up and understand.
Or how else do you cope with unlust of many to use their brain for what it's made and meant for, not willing to accept simple trivial truths?
Ignore them? Take it with fun? Punish them with truth? Send them to a club? Bid them be careful in life and not cause anyone danger? ... i mean, it's really not so easy...and in case a nuisance also, unnerving when they cost you precious lifetime or impose themselves on you, when you're busy elseways, disturb with what you're doing
There is a maxim that can sum this up quite well:

“scio me nihil scire” which Plato attributes to Socrates.

[I know that I know nothing].

Because one of the questions we can say is : to encourage learning and knowledge, should we not adopt an ignorant attitude ?

Putting ourselves in a position of ignorance would mean humbly admitting that we will never know everything and that the absolute truth is inaccessible to us. but it could also mean getting rid of any prejudice or egocentric value judgment and adopting a curious look at the world which will allow you to develop a critical sense and know how to analyze.

It is very important to transmit this curiosity to younger people to support the process of developing critical thinking. However, this is often not the priority for schools or anyone responsible for the education of a child or young person. the objective of schooling is to educate and spread knowledge so that young people can be good citizens useful to society or the world. However, this idyllic mission often hides small rusts in its appearance: school is a place where the result sometimes counts more than personal happiness and where most of the knowledge learned becomes meaningless objects that students memorize in order to copy them on the day of the exam and thus, transforming knowledge into a breeding ground for egocentrism only good for obtaining a result and being in competition with other students, while sometimes putting enormous mental pressure.

However, exams should only be a way to practice what has been taught, to highlight knowledge or personal culture and to improve.
the perception of the grade and the result is therefore a concern, and the attitude of mental well-being of students is very little addressed by most teachers.

It is also clear that the class is not considered as a group of individuals where everyone must help find their way and cultivate their curiosity, but on the contrary some consider this collective simply as a group of capable ears only good to listen and that those who do not immediately understand must manage It at home or with their friends.
Therefore it's such like a paradox because it is necessary to educate a collective while allowing the development of individuality and cultivating critical thinking. We can also question the school programs, which are too little varied and a real straitjacket for open-mindedness because they are stereotypical.

the human bond that connects the teacher to his students is extremely important because it is this person who will be able to cultivate critical thinking in his students.

In our society, it is the attitude of philosophical ignorance that is lacking to be able to fight against obscurantism and its real ignorance : that of prejudice, superstition, fanaticism, egocentrism and so many others... because this dark ignorance is denial, the refusal to open up and recognize one's own ignorance.

In the Internet era, information can be transmitted at phenomenal speed, but isn't this Internet era the one that most glorifies the egocentric attitude? because it is precisely there where self-worship, insatiable consumption and pretensions to knowledge are glorified... a simple word typed into a search engine can display such a quantity of results that the attitude of the Internet user would almost instinctively click on the first result appearing and find the satisfaction of having found the answer to their question. therefore, it cultivates an attitude of laziness.

Because this attitude of laziness precisely allows gurus, fanatics or liars to take advantage of the credulity of certain people scrolling on the internet, particularly social networks, with the aim of persuading them that they alone have the truth that others want. hide. this gives the different facets of conspiracy and negationism

better regulation of content would be necessary, but also, not to leave people already contaminated by such theory alone, but on the contrary to support them and make them understand the need to open up to the world and adopt a curious and analytical attitude. and help these people to stop making the same mistakes
@DuMussDieUhrDruecken said in #1:
> what's wrong with the scholar systems, with education through parents, family and friends, that so many people ...
> • ...can't reason well and right and logically consistent, or even only ...
> • ...aren't able to tell facts from opinion or belief. They ...
> • ...generalize from single distinct cases to some whole or all andor everything andor everywhere andor always andor everyone. They ...
> • ...think, what they know is all there is to know andor also think, they know everything better, and they ...
> • ...conclude from themselves, from their lives and experiences, from their situation, to other people's state of the art. And also they are ...
> • ...reluctant to change their mind on an issue, even when given good strong arguments or facts, unflexible in mind, stubborn, onedimensional.
> How do you get such poorly reasoning individuals to wake up and understand.
> Or how else do you cope with unlust of many to use their brain for what it's made and meant for, not willing to accept simple trivial truths?
> Ignore them? Take it with fun? Punish them with truth? Send them to a club? Bid them be careful in life and not cause anyone danger? ... i mean, it's really not so easy...and in case a nuisance also, unnerving when they cost you precious lifetime or impose themselves on you, when you're busy elseways, disturb with what you're doing

We can might destiny, it will define our after life. As you worry about disinformation it is disintegration of a founded world destined to end soon.
laugh now.
The sollution is be on the right side of history whatever happens, we will all go down together. as the song.
[ [[ [[[ im asking everyone to refrain from quoting whole long posts to then refer only briefly to one bit of it.
especially unnecessary is to quote whole long titleposts that hardly anyone skips reading.

it's for readability, if you mind caring.... ]]] ]] ]

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