what's wrong with the scholar systems, with education through parents, family and friends, that so many people ...
• ...can't reason well and right and logically consistent, or even only ...
• ...aren't able to tell facts from opinion or belief. They ...
• ...generalize from single distinct cases to some whole or all andor everything andor everywhere andor always andor everyone. They ...
• ...think, what they know is all there is to know andor also think, they know everything better, and they ...
• ...conclude from themselves, from their lives and experiences, from their situation, to other people's state of the art. And also they are ...
• ...reluctant to change their mind on an issue, even when given good strong arguments or facts, unflexible in mind, stubborn, onedimensional.
How do you get such poorly reasoning individuals to wake up and understand.
Or how else do you cope with unlust of many to use their brain for what it's made and meant for, not willing to accept simple trivial truths?
Ignore them? Take it with fun? Punish them with truth? Send them to a club? Bid them be careful in life and not cause anyone danger? ... i mean, it's really not so easy...and in case a nuisance also, unnerving when they cost you precious lifetime or impose themselves on you, when you're busy elseways, disturb with what you're doing
• ...can't reason well and right and logically consistent, or even only ...
• ...aren't able to tell facts from opinion or belief. They ...
• ...generalize from single distinct cases to some whole or all andor everything andor everywhere andor always andor everyone. They ...
• ...think, what they know is all there is to know andor also think, they know everything better, and they ...
• ...conclude from themselves, from their lives and experiences, from their situation, to other people's state of the art. And also they are ...
• ...reluctant to change their mind on an issue, even when given good strong arguments or facts, unflexible in mind, stubborn, onedimensional.
How do you get such poorly reasoning individuals to wake up and understand.
Or how else do you cope with unlust of many to use their brain for what it's made and meant for, not willing to accept simple trivial truths?
Ignore them? Take it with fun? Punish them with truth? Send them to a club? Bid them be careful in life and not cause anyone danger? ... i mean, it's really not so easy...and in case a nuisance also, unnerving when they cost you precious lifetime or impose themselves on you, when you're busy elseways, disturb with what you're doing