

Good initial question - it's interesting I do actually remember my life before the internet.

I went to football games (live games!), enjoyed a few bets at the bookies, read a bit, drank a bit, played a bit of sport mostly badly, chess OTB, tried to get women (mostly failing) and studied quite a lot academically.
I had a laugh basically and never even knew this thing we call internet would come to exist...mad really given today's life.
I would read books especially crime thriller and psychological drama.
Other than that, I would play cricket and chess a lot.
@ MrPushwood said in #9:
> Yeah, Mein Kampf was hilarious!
Interesting choice. As long as you just read it and not live by it, I guess you could enjoy it?
It wouldn't be something for me - the few excerpts I've read were... well, it isn't for me, just as I said.

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