
Why does everyone on seem to hate ROBLOX?

A lot of forum posts there are people despising ROBLOX, but why? What's their reasoning for hating ROBLOX?
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@Noflaps said in #2:
> What's a ROBLOX? Asking for a friend.

I got this!

I originally wrote this in March of 2021:
Most of you know that I post quite a bit in the lichess general forums, especially the off-topics. If you don't, you're lying, because I just told you.
Anyways, I have noticed when posting there that kids of our time seem to become mesmerized by the latest internet crazes, which utterly confound those of us who are old enough to drink. I mean, seriously, just look at some of the weird-ass jargon that they use: Minecraft. Roblox. Doge. Linux. Blu-ray. Naruto. Rick Astley. Neopet. Beanie Baby.

I mean, honestly, what the hell is a Naruto? The only reason that I know it's not some sort of swanky Mexican entree is that I tried to order one at Taco Bell last week, and the staff just laughed at me. In my defense, it really sounds like a weird artisinal burrito.

These kids make a bigger stink about their obsessions than Calvin Klein, for cryin' out loud! When I was there age (so, like, 7 years ago), you know what we had to use to entertain ourselves? Movies, and parcheesi. And I'm not talkin' 'bout these newfangled high-definition digitally downloaded Avengers movies. No, sir. If I wanted to watch Captain America, I'd either have to listen to that Captain Midnight radio show and mentally edit it, or (gasp) watch Matt Salinger for 90 minutes.

And those videogames? There's no way they could all be that interested in the same ones!

That's when it struck me: They aren't really obsessing. They're speaking in some kind of Zoomer code!
I set to trying to break it. As a side note, I myself am technically a "Zoomer," so I shouldn't have to break it, but I must not have been on the mailing list for the Zoomer Codebook this year. But, once I discovered what "minecraft" meant, it all fell into place.
Here are my findings up to now:

Minecraft: The Cult of Cthulu.
Evidence: A they use a shit ton of words I don't know to describe non-existant creatures

Roblox: Scientology
Evidence: Keeps being compared to Minecraft

Rick Astley: Cthulu
Evidence: Seems to be the deity that those minecrafts keep worshipping

Never Gonna Give You Up: The Necronomicon
Evidence: It's freakin' everywhere, and nobody wants to see it

Spam: Blasphemy
Evidence: Duh!

Apparently, these zoomers are more religious than I gave them credit for
Why do I get an eerie feeling that @clousems just rickrolled me, in the latest, most elegant manner known only to the Zoomerscenti?
@Pools2013 said in #1:
> A lot of forum posts there are people despising ROBLOX, but why? What's their reasoning for hating ROBLOX?
yes, chess players are smart enough to understand that games have not good in them

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