
the chess player dialect (iykyk)

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Well you do get to learn some new words starting with the letter Z
( I told her she was in zugzwang and she slapped me).
Maybe you're lucky she didn't kick you in the zwischenzug, dog. (That's an "in between" kick, for non-chessplayers).
Real chess players know both some Russian and some German. I learned my Russian by hanging around people playing not only chess, but dominoes, too! I'm not sure what they do with those dominoes, but apparently adult Russians can play with them and still enjoy an adult beverage at the same time!

This thread caused me to reflect on just how much the lives of chess players have been enriched, over the years, by the international flavor of chess.

HUGE thanks (for providing excitement all through my fleeting youth) to German, Russian, Soviet (including, I hope properly, some wonderful 20th century Latvian and Estonian players), English, Hungarian, Argentinian, French and American players. Oh, wait. Let's not forget Cuban (Capablanca). Or Dutch (Euwe and company). Or Mexican (Carlos Torre). Or Indian (Anand).

And no doubt many other countries that aren't immediately coming to mind, but should. (I'm too old to have "grown up" studying Chinese players -- but today's kids will get to study several really fine ones).

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