
stuck in rapid

i consider myself to be ok at rapid. i have been slowly improving for a while. however, i have hit a barrier in my chess improvement. Can anyone point out some key mistakes i make in my games so i can fix them? Or is this just the limit of my chess power?
I don't know how qualified I am to answer this as I am only 1900 and still hang pieces sometimes but here we go:
1)It seems like you sometimes fail to see single move threats. I don't know if that's because of bad form or not but try to analyse every position in terms of threats and oppurtunties.
2)Judging from your 3 games that I saw, it seems like you are a positional player. Try switching to a more solid opening if you can(although don't spend much time on opening) like London or English. People think that London is very boring but I adopted a London system with Qc2 and it can get very attacking.So its very flexible based on your opponent.
3)You sometimes complicate things too much in opening. Try to play a bit solid.
4)It seems like you are in bad from right now, take a break if possible. Bad forms hits everybody even I could drop to 1800 on a bad day but I usually refrain from playing if I lose 3 or 4 games in a row.
@soccerfreak1213 Looking at your rapid rating graph, it appears that you are still improving. True, you are having a less good time right now, but that won't last.
@soccerfreak1213 I was stuck at 1700 a while ago (less than a month)now i am at 1900 simple trick dont play bullet and blitz,use your time I saw your games you don't use time practice it since you are already good at blitz it will help you find even better moves,also I see you are aggressive just think more about cordination
Everyone under 2200 should focus on one move blunders.

Practice checks, captures and threats, if you do that enough in a game you will stop blundering so often and your rating will increase.
Hi, I looked through your games, and I saw that you usually accept the trade, but I recommend you not to accept trades when it seems like a bad deal (such as position: double pawn, isolated pawn, etc). Also, I saw you spend much time per move, which means you think before you move, that's a good thing! This is the only advice that I can give you since I'm only 1811 in rapid. Anyway, good luck!

Use this method @soccerfreak1213, analyze the game by yourself considering basic aspects you should know (fast developing, castling, threats, pawn structures, activity, etc), next go to computer analysis and make the engine work, and try to solve your mistakes (those kind of puzzles from your games), see the engine graph evaluation of all your games from now and try to check in what parts are you usually failing. Finally, I sometimes check the openings book considering what lines lead to won games according to the database.

This will help you a lot, believe me!
How long have you been "stuck"? If it's a couple years, then maybe you have something to worry about. But actually, it looks like you're a in fact you really have nothing to worry about. :)

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