
Practice endgame?

I'm trying to get better at endgames so I thought it'd be nice to practice positions by playing with a friend. I don't know however which positions would be instructive and balanced at the same. How would you go about finding good starting positions to practice?
Very good that you're practicing endgames like this. Here are a few equal-ish endgames I think would be interesting to practice:

r4b1r/p3kppp/8/3p4/8/5P2/PP3P1P/R1B1K2R w KQ - 0 16
White to move, Caro-Kann Panov-Bottvinik "endgame line"

r4rk1/4ppbp/n2p1np1/2pP4/4P3/2N2N2/PP1B1PPP/R4RK1 w
White to move, Benko Gambit endgame line

Here are a few positions from my games:

3rr1k1/1p2b1pp/p1n1pn2/3p4/8/1PN3P1/PB2PPBP/2RR2K1 w
White to move, Catalan endgame

3r2k1/p5p1/2Q1nq2/3p2N1/4p2P/6P1/P3PP2/1R4K1 b
Black to move, Catalan endgame. Will likely quickly trade into R vs R or R+N vs R+N

2kr1br1/pp3p1p/1np1pp2/8/3P4/3RBN2/PPP2PPP/1K4R1 b - - 0 15
Black to move, Caro-Kann, Bronstein-Larsen endgame.

I hope this is kind of what you were looking for. You can use some, not use others. If you want more simplified positions with less pieces, or more complex positions with more imbalances I can give you some of those as well.
basic chess endings by reuben fine

start with king and pawn

then king rook and pawn

then the other variations
hello, @jposthuma. I'm too stupid to understand your description, could you explain or even make some studies out of it? Thx in advance
The codes like
2kr1br1/pp3p1p/1np1pp2/8/3P4/3RBN2/PPP2PPP/1K4R1 b - - 0 15
are FEN records.
You can copy paste this into the analysis board.

You can invent positions yourself with 6 men or less. Then the table base gives you the exact solution.

Ulf Andersson used to play from the starting position, but without queens for endgame training.
Silman's complete endgame course has good endgame positions, another book i can recommend is 101 endgame tips by steve giddins.

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