
News + This & That

Thanks Coach wannabegmonce...Thanks!!! Great Great Great Coaching... Because of the Strong competition with are getting stronger!!! Thanks!!!
Its a pleasure to inform you guys about so many wins (and/or great results).
This time its a TPR WIN AGAIN! Bravo Indicheckers, bravo!
TPR Night Champ 1st Place Jun15
I am so thankful my Kings and Queens!
@ILikeEatingChips @torresdiego36 @AaRaMk @pulemetAK29 @AKacso @JasonRufus @ghost52 @ladro1 @SanthoshAyyappan @ayaangamerz23isback3 @counter-strike-2 @rudra141414 @Angel-Apolo Papa @TEOHS @firewood14 @nowplayfirstgame3657 @NickShamrai @Devchauhan9797 @AtokLonely @SunShine_Dumpling @AlanApoloHerrada Power @MysteryPhantom7 @learningchess6 @Daobear Mr. @drattitude @leogla @tomkruz88 @luzzar69 Miss @Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 Lady @YosoyHikaru
by your combined powers, WE ARE INDICHECK!
We just had an amazing 5th Place in a World festival! This series is very strong! We are getting there! This is our best result in a World Fest (so far). Very great job and huge appreciation! Lets also mention, that we played the TPR Night Champ at the same time, which we have won (see post above). Just AMAZING!!! It really is!
World Night Fest 5th Place Jun15
TPR Night Champ 1st Place Jun15
Shoutout to
@vitezizgorobilja @Angel-Apolo @SanthoshAyyappan @AKacso @usedtobegood1 @ghost52 @Devchauhan9797 @Gushidio @AndrykrisbellACEVEDO @ayaangamerz23isback3 Power @MysteryPhantom7
by your combined powers, WE ARE INDICHECK!
And again, I dont know what to say! I am speechless!
TPR Masters 3rd Place Jun16
Note that we played Liga in the last 2 hours of the tournament! I think we could have made 2nd place, if we play full power!
Thank you my precious Indicheckers
@Devchauhan9797 @HarryPotter789 @archi12345678910 @AKacso @ladro1 @ayaangamerz23isback3 @ghost52 @JuMnbO2012 @Ashwin_Chessmood @JohnNwachukwu LM @Phutressniak @ILikeEatingChips @md_shadman @KindCleverKangaroo AFM @abhigyanmallick2012 @Black_cook @HrishikeshPs @Bigbrotherbig @MadiyarBolatov Scharf @schachbronko Mr. @drattitude @SanthoshAyyappan @Malomaniac @chessalpha18 @luzzar69 @Gushidio @K_master707 @rudra141414 @TheBishopAvenger @BAC0909 @kittykitty123 @NiemannsNIGHTMARE @Robostar1
by your combined powers, WE ARE INDICHECK!
Liga news!
Let me be short! Group3 we are coming! :)
Liga 4C 2nd Place Jun16
Fantastic teamwork this time! Great job!
Shoutout to
The IM @Fighter89 @Eternxlk @leogla @Snakexyz Silent FM @nousecomp2 @JohnNwachukwu Lady @YosoyHikaru @KindCleverKangaroo Papa @TEOHS @Bigbrotherbig @SanthoshAyyappan Scharf @schachbronko @Devchauhan9797 @byebob Mr. @drattitude @Angel-Apolo Power @MysteryPhantom7 @archi12345678910 @HarryPotter789 @Night-King00 @ALITA20 @BiciBici3 @Vidyadhar727 @kittykitty123 @lovelyches @malomaniac
Please join next Liga 3A Jun20 Group3 we are coming Lets Gooo

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