
Being below 800 on lichess

I seem to recall that you could not go below 800 on lichess, but today I saw someone rated in the 600s. Is this new? I am legitimately curious.
I never imagined that it would be possible to have 800 or less rating. Would a bot that makes random moves get more rating than that? lol

I'm curious how strong is a 800-ish player. I would like play against...

Anyway, I think a 800-ish player cant post in lichess, because that captchas are too hard for them! lol
The ratings are just numbers to make your mind think about it constantly so that it interferes with your brain and you become addicted. When yous stop caring, it shouldn't matter at all.

Not entirely true. I can try with all my might to reach 2200 and with my current knowledge and skills this is IMPOSSIBLE. However, if I reach 2200 in the future I know that something has improved in my chess!

The rating means something. But it is wise to think in terms of range. I like the rating classification in 'E, D, C, B, A, Expert, NM / CM, FM, MI, GM, SGM'. So it's more interesting, instead of saying 'I'm 1878, to say instead 'I'm a first category player (A, 1800~2000) ' or 'I'm a expert player (2000~2200)', etc..
@willwss I meant at online chess ratings doesn't matter. I play here for only controlling my mind. I tend to play for hours and it is bad for my poker too. I just couldn't walk out when I am ahead. That's what I am trying to learn here and do at the poker tables. So in chess I fix a rating and if i achieve it in few games, i need to quit for the day. Lichess is great because it improves his poker reading skills and strategies to maximize.
In poker, you shouldn't walk out when you are ahead. That's when to continue. Only walk away from the tables when you are behind.
My guess would be people that are u1000 and stay there are probably competing to stay there.

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