
Pushing the London.

1. D4 London System, of course, I almost never play anything else
6. c4 Fairly new for me, usually ne2 here
9. nc3 this is great, just keep moving your Q while I develop
10. cxd5 Computer didn’t like this, wanted Qc1. I want to develop the B, get my Q off the back rank and castle. cxd5 simplifies the middle a bit, lets me advance my plans. Probs a comfort zone thing.
12. Be2 to defend the N. And e2 is a good spot for the B in the London. But c2 was better. I missed it.
I tend to get caught up in patterns in chess. I’ve always answered bg5 with be2. But if I’d slowed down a bit, I’d have seen c2 and it would have gone better.
14 ….bf5 planning qc2, maybe? I don’t know.
15 bd3 Computer wanted pg4 but I want the strong defense. I’m not good pushing pawns K side anyway. If …g5 again, then pf3, maybe. I want that N on a5.
I’m thinking after 15 b5, then whatever they do, Nxc7, then qxn and I’ve a pawn at least. And there’s a lot of ways for Black to hurt themselves.
15 …c6 That’s bad. For them, I mean
19 Qxa5 yummy
20 Qxa7 yummier, because unexpected.
24 Rxb7 He’s tilting now. Computer said I missed a forced mate on h7, but I don’t see it.
No blunders, only 1 mistake and 28 Average centipawn loss, which I think is my lowest ever.
Nice :)
I think 19 ... Rb8 is a missclick, would make more sense, to me, to get it back to a8 if you move it at all.
Same with the last queen move. It's always a pleasure when things work out perfectly !
To explain the forced mate, your 25th move should have been Bxh7+. If he captures with the knight, you play Rxg7+! If he captures, you play Qg6+ and either Nf7# or Qf7#. If he moves to h8, you obviously play Qxh7#. If he moves to f8, you have Rf7+ followed by either the mate on h7 or Qxc6+ and mate on d7.
Back to the original line. If he doesn't capture your bishop, but plays Kh8, you have Nf7#, and if he moves to f8, you have Rf7+ (Ke8) Qxc6+ (Kd8) Rf8+!. After Ne8, you play Rxe8#, and after Ke7 you play Ng6#. Quite a lot of moves to see; I'm not surprised you missed it. Some of the variations are quite elegant, though. I would never have guessed that the c6 pawn might be taken with check, etc.

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