
Coaching on Lichess

This is to address the coaching experiences online on Lichess and in general
Some people are expensive, some are not. It's really not expensive considering it's like a job.
@Doofenshmirtz , @Archiduxus , other chess friends

It´'s about me. He started this subject because he paid me 45 EUR for 4,5h lessons. We had 2 lessons and he wanted to stop and expects refund for me now but i do not wanna refund anything. I offered to do other chess job for the rest of money but he does not accept my solution. He started to complain on Paypal and Paypal forced me to reply him because i blocked him on lichess. I blocked him because his arguments were not serious. He just lied. He wrote me negative review as well. His problem was, that i gave him strategical puzzle during the lesson and i thought before i did move. For him it was problem because he has to use brain during the lesson instead of just engine. He said,i did not tell him ideas behind moves- that js next lie. I explained everything and showed him what happens after his solutions to prove him , why this move was bad or why this move was good. He also wanted me to teach him some oppenings. I did it of course and tried to answer all his questions. Now he is using all possible means to get the money back and propably he wants do destroy my coach career now. What do you think?I think, it is better to think, spend more time and USE OWN BRAIN instead of using only Stockfisch or telling random move imidiately. If he will write here something more, don´´ t trust him. If you have any questions, you can message me. He said, i am not professional. He is not professional. He does not know anything about teaching, how to learn effectively and he is lazy. Maybe he thinks, he should know after 2 hours lesson everything. No! I became IM after almost 9 YEARS hard work and professional coaching.

Feel free to ask me about lessons. I can prove you, that i can teach a lot or you can really have good time with me during just one single lesson. Just read here

Best regards.
@Falkenauge tbh that explains it. You shouldn't have to repay him, but should still do the rest of the 4,5 hours he paid for regardless.
You're not doing anything wrong, he is.

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