
This thread is one no one is going to like

@LordSupremeChess said in #7:
> During this time I am gone, I will never give up hope. I never could.
> I will never forget any of you.
> @Dukedog
> @LittleJennyWren
> @thepracticeguy
> @charliezhuang
> @Tbootpoo
> @clousems
> @thalassokrator
> @acrobat31
> @helptheplanet
> @wassimberbar
> @george_mcgeorge
> @teenagedimwit
> @frogster64
> @borisospasky
> @antiliteracyactivist
> @mrpushwood
> And so many others...
> Thanks. For everything you have done for me here.
Me? Where am I? Do anyone remember me?
Well, it's good to hear that you take your life seriously. I mean, there are so many better things to do than to argue with random people online about climate changes, especially when no one wants to liste. So take your break, use the time to do what you like and once you come back, you can play chess and spread messages in the forums as you want to - but this time, you have the benefit of being refreshed.

But why would anyone remember me for I have done nothing to be memorable? (Do I now get the pyramid when I die?)
@george_mcgeorge said in #27:
> Well, it's good to hear that you take your life seriously. I mean, there are so many better things to do than to argue with random people online about climate changes, especially when no one wants to liste. So take your break, use the time to do what you like and once you come back, you can play chess and spread messages in the forums as you want to - but this time, you have the benefit of being refreshed.
If I had a choice in this, I'd stay online. But this wasn't my choice.
> But why would anyone remember me for I have done nothing to be memorable? (Do I now get the pyramid when I die?)
Okay, I don't think I could forget you... and you've have done so much to be memorable...
@Passionate_Player said in #24:
> You're in the "so many others" section.
Yeah I kind of gave up after 15 would take me a looong time to find everyone I've talked to on the forums for the past month alone.

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