
Rating range issue!

- Everyone should be allowed to choose their desired rating range, I hate when somebody is not allowing me something that I want, this is really really bad from Lichess, I'm very disappointed.
- Just because those people who made this restriction don't have a problem with rating range, doesn't mean other users are the same. Many people will not like this, please change it back as it was before, give people Freedom to Choose, not Restrictions!
so you've mastered the 1400 section good for you. My advice is to set the range to 1800-2100 instead of just playing beginners its kind of pathetic
@dooeyDecimal the point for this feature is playing lower rated players for instructional purposes, such as IM John Bartholomew's "Climbing the Rating Ladder" Series.
@dooeyDecimal I don't care if that's pathetic to you, it's not pathetic to me and many other people like me who want freedom to choose any rating range they wish for - with no restrictions!
- If I wanted to play 1800-2100 then I wouldn't be writing this topic so I'm not asking you or anyone else to tell me to change my rating range into something else cause that's not something that I'm okay with nor will I ever be, I just want Lichess to change this back to way it was before!
- Some people, like me, like using this feature for fun or when you feel bad and want to kick someone's ass multiple times untill you restore you emotional state back to balance... some other people use it for instructional purposes like @ChesswurmOTB already said.
@dooeyDecimal The problem with that is if a person plays somebody else too much they may be marked as artificially increasing their rating. It would be much better for somebody to get paired against a random lower rated then pre-selecting a person and possibly be marked as a cheater.
"farm for rating" or whatever it is called:

a) it is not a bad thing to play positional instead of tactical, and vice versa. Nobody argues that this is farming for rating. But if you see it strictly, it actually is.

b) so playing against lower rated/ higher rated players is a matter of preference. And indeed, it can be that you are good in beating much lower/higher rated players and gain more rating points by such games. Still, I would say it is a matter of style, but more discriminated that the positional/tactical aspect. Others go for an early endgame, no matter if it is actually a slightly worse endgame. The players who do so know that their endgame skill is so good, they gain rating points by seeking endgames, even inferior endgames.

c) the rating formular adjusts for the difference in ratings. maybe there is a bit of an "unknown" how accurately such adjustments still work if the rating difference is very high. Ok, at some point it really gets blurry and the rating system might get instable. But other chess playing websites usually have a 500 rating difference and not a 320 rating difference limit, and they fare well.

d) actually, if a way higher rated player plays a much lower rated player, the lower rated player has more chances to gain points. Why? Because, besides or strength differences, there are lag issues, disconnection issues. Yes, such lag/disconnection might only happen 0.2% of all games, but if the rating gain for the stronger player is just 0.3 points, then this is maybe not compensation enough for the 0.2% chance of a severe (losing) lag/ disconnection.
So even if some people want to "farm" - if it is farming against weaker players, it must be a bad idea, due to the lag/disconnection risk.
But seeking to play way higher rated players might actually work (for the much weaker player), because of the chance of lag/disconnection.

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