
Candidates for Crazyhouse World Championship 2021!

zyxon - catask scheduled for September 5 | 10pm Sunday CEST/8pm UTC
it wasn't sure if he can make it he says he tried be online 21:00 Amsterdam time but i told him i'm willing to start the match till max 22:00 Amsterdam time 🙂 otherwise its not ideal to play.
Only the crumbliest flakiest candidate

Flakes like candidates never flaked it before

(with perhaps one exception)

What do you mean, 'gnomic'?
i was the one making a mistake with the times ;p sorry for that blame it all for me who had to wait 😅
Mariorton will play vs Opperwezen tommorow 2-9-201 8 am in mexico so thats 15:00 amsterdam time would be cool if anyone would stream.
Congrats to everyone in the candidates. well deserved! :)
FM two64brocc- wat een ellende 3.5 6.5 (with a lot of luck two4brocc deserved much more) aka my alt i realised after a couple games i used the wrong account 🙈 but no problem 3.5 6.5 with lots of luck for Wat een ellende aka Opperwezen een ellende :) so one mistake but no problem ofcourse 🙂 so in case some wanna see the games back see the FM two64brocc vs wateenellende

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