
Losing streak

I've been having a mostly losing streak where I dropped from almost 1800 to like 1650. I just feel demoralized and I've just been rage gaming to just fill my time. It doesn't feel like an addiction, I can stop when I want to, I just don't understand what's wrong with me. Any games I do win is because of a mistake on my opponent and I don't feel like I'm getting any beautiful tactics anymore and I'm missing so many easy tactics in my games. I don't know what's happening to me anymore I feel like I'm losing brain cells every day.
This happens to almost everyone,
If you happen to run into a losing streak. Stop playing and have a rest and play some other time.
Rest your mind your brain needs rest.
Don't worry this also happens to me
Whenever you lose a game, stop playing and analyse it first when the imprint is still fresh.
that is true but at his level losing a pawn can lead to disaster for example later in the game (if it reaches an endgame) the opponent might get a passed pawn because of that and win
"I've just been rage gaming to just fill my time. It doesn't feel like an addiction, I can stop when I want to"

If you're actually 1800 strength, you'll make it back up there as soon as you get your head straight.

If you're not actually 1800 strength, then your rating was not legit, and you were going to have to keep getting lucky, which is pretty stressful and not a situation you should want to be in just to maintain a teetering high rating.

Either way, don't worry too much about it. The rating doesn't mean anything other than a reflection of how you've been playing over the last 50 games or so. It's not a determination of your actual strength or a judgment of you as a player.

I had a hot streak last week where I hit 2400. But I knew I wasn't actually 2400 strength. This week I went on a losing streak and tilted my way all the way down to 2300. But I knew that was too low. So I came back yesterday evening, won 8 games in a row and got back up to 2350. And that feels about right. But I'm sure I'll continue to bounce around it. Falling below 2300 would be psychologically sad because it would feel like my "2300+" status being taken away from me... but then, if I'm actually 2350 strength, it'll even out and I should get back to 2350 pretty quickly.
#8 You are so right. Sometimes I get rating "refunded" because I played a cheater. I do not really need that, because my rating reflects my (bad) capabilities. If by chance I am at my record rating when I receive a refund, it would would be bad. - I would not remember that I was never that good.
#9 yeah the only exception is when I'm losing rating points to cheaters, because losing against a computer is incredibly demoralizing.

Yesterday I lost twice to a "2480" who played 1...a5 with Black and 1. g4 with White, and crushed me with overwhelming kingside attacks. Made me feel like trash. Only a couple hours later I got those 7 rating points back because it turned out the guy was cheating. And sure enough his games showed an average centipawn loss of like 10 and every move perfect after the opening. Then I actually felt pretty good because I kept the games even up until move 25 or so.

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