
Let’s make Lichess the worlds best chess website

@dooeyDecimal said in #20:
> lichess already is the best free chess website... it is sleak, easy to use.. tons of tutorials, studies, coaches, really nothing in my eyes competes with it.. its the only site i actually play games on... they don't try to sell you anything, made by chess players for chess players, very very rare these days

I know, but it’s not what google says, has more users :( even though you need to pay...
If lichess wants to attract more members, it needs to improve the forums section. Like allowing unlimited pasting of links and direct uploading of pictures and gifs instead of pasting imgur links.

More people eat fast food than gourmet food. Does that make fast food "better"?

More people listen to pop music than jazz. Does that make pop music better?

More people have died throughout history than are currently living. Does that make death better?

Smart people are rare. Does that make stupidity better?

Etc., etc., etc.

I don't care if most people use that other site. Discerning people use this one. ;-)
@TheBrutalist said in #7:
> It means you mentioned, which could be regarded as a capitalist chess platform.

Capitalist? Or Crappy? Or Crappiest?

In all seriousness, I came back to play chess here again because's new UI is insanely buggy and heavy and slow. really is crappy.
@risky-chess said in #25:
> #24 That would make forums even worse than now.
What!!! What makes you think so!!! Do you know it took me almost an hour to successfully upload this gif to imgur?
@Inferno_123 said in #1:
> I am going to try making Lichess the worlds best chess website instead of

Hmm... Your idea is great but sadly, mods won't make you a mod after reading your forum posts, I have tried it myself by correcting others' grammar. And it's totally understandable that you think chessdotcom is the best, after all not all are smart.
Btw, thibault founded lichess (with reference to your biography)
@Pro_PrarthanaR_2009 said in #29:
> Hmm... Your idea is great but sadly, mods won't make you a mod after reading your forum posts, I have tried it myself by correcting others' grammar. And it's totally understandable that you think chessdotcom is the best, after all not all are smart.
> Btw, thibault founded lichess (with reference to your biography)

Umm thanks for the info, but I don’t wanna be a mod. I want to help Lichess grow as this site deserves it all by maintaining with just donations. They first give the money for strong servers then only they pay thibault

I thank Lichess for the amazing site
And I do not care if I’m not mod because I’m not doing this to become a mod


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