
Absolutely flopped at attacking. I can never push to 1700 with this level of play

17...c6 was strong to shut out the white queen. You still had 4 minutes.
If you want to push to 1700, then do that in rapid first and leave blitz for later.
The best prescription you can get is to solve tons of tactics. And when you think you've done a lot already, do three times more.
Yes..listen to @tpr

Turn on move confirmation... Take time during moves..see for checks and captures and threats..

And play with increment if you don't like playing slightly faster

And do a lot tactics and puzzles
Thanks! I now have devoted my time to solving puzzles and playing rapid.
To be honest, I don't understand why the black player decided that he should attack?
After 17...c6 the white queen is shut out, so black can attack with an extra queen.
@tpr Shouldn't a player in the opening first of all think about the development and safety of his king? Black's play completely contradicts this principle. Why not tell about it?
You didn't take advantage of his passive Leonardis opening. He didn't develop pieces properly and played for survival only. In spite of that you were worse after his random moves! Imagine what would happen if he knew what he was doing and played an aggressive gambit. After 10 moves you would be a piece down or with your king exposed and getting checked from all sides.

Pushing the h pawn alone is bad. It needs help from pieces. To make this work is generally difficult and risky. And this is exactly the case in your game, as at move 13 your opponent has already tactical shots available, which win the game on the spot. He took one of them. But being a beginner he missed the follow up, which was 15. Qxb8+ Qd8 16.Qxd8+ Kxd8 17. Re1. Forced moves and you end up being a rook and a bishop down. Resignation time.

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