
Feature Request - new game mode

Hi Lichess team!

First I'd like to say thanks for creating such a wonderful website which many of my friends and family also enjoy. :)

But, to the point - I think it would be cool to have a special game mode where players have exactly 3/5/10/15/30 seconds for every move.

This is slightly different from what already exists where time is increased for every move, because in current games the time stacks.

I myself am a backend engineer (php/typescript), so depending on the technologies you use I could even help with implementation of such feature if needed, but I reckon it shouldn't be too hard to implement, as all other rules are just like in standard chess, only the time would reset for every move. I guess smaller UI changes would be needed as well for the "create game" popup.

I know it's nothing special, but I just have a feeling I'd want to play such mode, and considering Lichess has many different game modes it costs nothing to suggest!

Thanks for reading,

Great! I should've assumed this already exists, but you're right, it is just another implementation of an existing timing method.


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