
What is the Best Opening Pawn Move in Horde?

What is the best 1st move(s) in Horde (pawns)?

Obv might depend onblacks answer but is their anyone familiar with the game to tell me the next couple 'best' moves after that?

Havent played much; but Im decent at the pawn game, in regular chess, so see to be catching on pretty quick. Would be nice to know if there is a proper way to start. (obv Iknow what Im attempting to do; open lines; but just lookin to knw what the best lines is: ie e3 is considered best opening in antichess)
Horde reality is that the very first move(s) doesn't matter much. I usually go with 1. d5 followed by 2. d4, with the aim of playing c6 next, enclosing the b8 knight. It's a very standard opening, with very well known answers. (Black usually moves Ne7 to exchange the Nb8 for those pesky c and d pawns, and then the game happens.)

Some pawn players are wary of h5/a5 so play 1. h5/a5 themselves to try to prevent it. I don't think it works much as black can simply attack on the other side (i.e. play the opposite 1... a5/h5) if they really want to, but eh.

Opening is definitely a lot less important than in antichess. In particular, what happens on moves 5-15 matters a lot more than moves 1-5.

Pushing both frontal pawns (e5 and d5) as first 2 moves is bad afaict, yet you can find strong players doing it.

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