
Anti Religion Religion Club

Got a club for people that detest both religion and religiously anti-religious clubs? An "Anti-Religion and, by extension, Anti-'Anti-Religion Religion' Club," if you will.

I propose something I've had in the works for some time. My "Anti-Religion Society, Exclusively." Or ARSE, for short. My ARSE will be inviting and inclusive. But there will be no room for silly rituals performed within my ARSE. Dare I say that those with an open mind will truly appreciate my ARSE. Perhaps some of the best thinking in recent history will be done with my ARSE.

Please, free-thinkers, skeptics, logical minds and all you brilliant people, take hold of my ARSE and cherish it!
I'd argue I, like yourself, replied in a thread whose original post would be considered spam. Or at least a post better off on Twitter or whatever the modern equivalent to a LiveJournal would be. Some place more acceptable for disposable thinking-out-loud that doesn't necessarily initiate a conversation, or that immediately introduces a sense of hostility to a significant portion of readers whether intended to or not.

The general etiquette for dealing with spam threads is to report them that they might be locked/removed, and to simply not reply so that they will fade off. It seems you and I both failed the latter half of that. The difference between your reply and my own is that, while you contributed only complaining to the conversation - poorly initiated, if not completely absent, as it was, I was attempting to defuse @Chessxpert1016's bomb with a bit of humor.

Was in violation of etiquette? I would suppose so. I hope you will forgive me for attempting to steer @Chessxpert1016's Titanic expression of disdain from an iceberg to some place more lighthearted.
I really appreciate your way of speaking, or in this case writing. Very well worded and said. Or in this case written.
@lokomis I forgive you :)
Being the noob I am, I didn't actually understand your comment...
He apologized out of excessive niceness. You often tell a lot of people they should not post. Relax a little.
You may believe in having a good time.
On Mondays.
You may also believe in having a good time...
On Thursdays.

But you can't believe that having a good time...

Is cheap.

Creativity takes courage. According to the french painter Henri Matisse.
And by creativity, I mean:

<< The intention and, hence, effect, of obtaining from Nothing, some new words, metaphores and therapies. >>

About God Above, as separate from the Universe, would be just like GNU / Linux operative systems. Where GNU would be the manifestation of a Kernel or nucleous, called Linux. Therefore, Ubuntu, Gnome, Fedora, Suse and Debian, are a metaphore, of Universe + Diversity.

University !

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