
Are players getting stronger?

For a few weeks now, my blitz rating is stock at a range of 1600-1650. I usually have a rating of 1750 give or take, and though i fluctuate, it kind of comeback to those numbers. Lately however i find it very difficult to climb back again. players rated 1550-1600 post me very hard fights. Analyzing the games i find blunders and mistakes, but the overall centipawn loss is (i think) lower tha usual. Is anyone experiencing someting similar? of couse it could be that my play is getting worse
I've experienced something similar too. There has been a thread similar to this one, but more focusing on the Maia-BOT, though maybe some questions will be answered. ( So, I think that those who joined a year or two or three have either improved or have left this site. And you probably improved too. Remember, your rating isn't that important.
I realized this too (although I have not played for a year and a half, I think I am better now). This is perhaps due to the repopularization of chess.
If you are serious about chess, then forget race against time. Just play. Ratings do increase and decrease but after all ratings are just numbers they cannot dictate strength of players.
And period comes when someone is stuck between particular range. Don't worry about it. The more you worry, the less you improve.
Just focus on game and play normally.
With hundreds of books in prints and pdfs, chess videos, online puzzles, engine analysis, database, etc, players are getting stronger. Only the lazy don't improve.
@ryan121 said in #8:
> With hundreds of books in prints and pdfs, chess videos, online puzzles, engine analysis, database, etc, players are getting stronger. Only the lazy don't improve.
In that case you should have been somewhat 2800 rated in Rapid at Lichess over span of 6 years.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #9:
> In that case you should have been somewhat 2800 rated in Rapid at Lichess over span of 6 years.
I said in the last part The Lazy don't improve :)

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