
trollest game I ever had

25s wasnt enough for him. kudos to your opponent that he realised he still needed practise with that. ofc against computer it would have been free of charge :)

had the same situation couple months back. i didnt underpromote, but forced trades into b+b endgame (which i practised 1 week earlier and found it very easy), then completely forgot about how to do it as well (was around 13xx rapid at the time and he slipped through to the other side at least 7 times before my time ran out coz i blocked my B's with king or didnt time the waiting moves correctly or gave his king forks that cost me a couple moves etc - it was even a loss coz there was still a pawn on the board). since then i only had 2 more B+B endgames iirc. it pays off to do the basic endgame training vs computer. its a good way to work on your visualisation, so even if it doesnt really come up alot, it still has its benefits. to do it under time pressure you need to be fast with your calculation. if you dont have practise you wont be able to convert some of those endgames, plus i assume that often you dont get to play them out from a certain rating (coz 90% of people would just resign vs a 2100 in B+B assuming they can do it easily).
tried to freshen up on it right now btw and i forgot how to do it yet again! i dont know when to make a king move and when a waiting move and sometimes i block myself with the king move coz its not precise enough. ill practise it now till i got it down as when i hang pieces its along some diagonal at least half the time (especially OTB im completely oblivous to diagonals).
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