
Tarrasch vs Hirschler. Nurember 1893. Hirschler surrenders with +14 "material advantage".

I just played this game. It has been very curious (for me).

Finish the game:
Exchange of the same material, but... Tarrasch no 2 Rocks, 1 Knight, 1 Bishop.
Hirschler no 2 pawns.

If King f7, pawn e7 takes Knight d8... Queen.

I have analyzed few games (I haven´t experience), but I think this is splendid.

@ChicagoDragon #1
You are counting material and your evaluation is based on just that it seems, but black is in check, and white will promote a new queen on d8 and also have a winning position.

Material isn't everything.
One of the first things I learned in chess and what fascinated me is this position.
Despite the material white cannot win, as long as black keeps control of the promotion square :

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