
Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more

@helloworld_1064 said in #37:
> so, what should I do
Maybe first answer this question:
Why is it important for you that others can see your puzzle rating?
(You need not answer here, just do it for yourself)
@helloworld_1064 said in #40:
> One last question: Am I still allowed to play games and do puzzles or I have to forcefully delete my ID
Why wouldn't you? Do you have any sign that you are not? I've had my puzzle rating hidden since the end of December and can play and solve puzzles just fine. For quite long I wasn't even aware of it until I stumbled upon a similar forum topic and checked my profile in a "private window".
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In my case it's "just" a matter of reaching the game rating of 1800 so I hope it's not going to be "forever". (OK, there is also a possibility that I reach puzzle rating of 2700 first but that doesn't seem to be really easy either and I couldn't find enough time for puzzles recently.) With your puzzle rating, you'll have to try a bit harder, though.

But even if the puzzle rating stays hidden, is it really such a big problem? You can still see it and everything works just fine. Or is it about being able to brag after all?
@helloworld_1064 said in #37:
> so, what should I do, Sandbag my puzzle rating or increase my classical rating.
> Also, my peak puzzle rating on is 3067, but recently my rating decreased by 100 points so It is 2700-2800 currently
Enjoy playing and studying chess without being obsessed with ratings. If you improve, they'll follow.
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