
Time display after the game

I happened to play a game where I won where I had the time of something like 00:00:07 or so and my opponent lost on time at that juncture. I went through the analysis feature where its possible to see the time management and I found that my clock shows 00:00:00 and I am shown to have won the game. The time display should be rechecked as per what I faced. The link to the reported game is
@ADWAITHKRISHNAN I posted this in order to enable lichess to take a look at what may be wrong in the case of replay of time etc.
The clock you see at the bottom right of the chess board is capped at 5 significant digits. The clock of the live game has 6.
In order to find the 6 digits again you have to look at the move time graph in the analysis board.
There if you click on your last move (in the graph) you will see that you had left 00.00.07 minutes.
@Deadban Thanks a lot, that was very very informative for me. Thanks for sharing this !!!

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