
Any tips on playing Atomic?

I wanna know an opening that can almost guarantee a win everytime. Does anyone have one?
Seriously, yes, white is better in atomic, and there are several lines that are very good for white. (Mainly Nf3 e3) However, I don't recommend playing the same opening every time. That won't help your improvement.
Therefore, just play what you like in the opening. Try to improve general skills. @Illion and @tipau made some good studies about atomic.
By the way, Na3 is not a bad opening. You can try it.
Nh3 h6 e4/d4 always lead to good positions

(plus namelecc = best)
Try playing 1.a3 2.a4 3.a5 4.a6. If they stop you by moving their a-pawn don't worry! Just continue with b3, b4, b5 etc. I guarantee you there will be a win in every game you play :)

But in seriousness, if you are after quick opening tricks to catch people out probably 1.Nf3 or 1.e3 are best for that. If you want to increase your chances of winning further then improving at the game itself is probably the best way to go.

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