
Respect other players

<Comment deleted by user>
First, you should never reply to opponent if that user is using bad words to you, all you gotta do is reply with reporting him/her, you don't have to trash them back.
@MiltonOliver said in #1:
> Hi Lichess!
> Even if you approach them in a friendly manner often they are very rude and disrespectful which is completely unacceptable. And if you try to correct them with good word they don't reply you back but they "report", pretending they are victim and innocent and they make you feel even worse.

Lichess doesn't have an algorithm to sort out these things, so all reports are handled manually by a group of moderators.
And to my understanding, there is always at least two moderators involved before making a decision that could affect a users account.
Also they have access to all game and DM chats.
So if you feel you are lures into a conversation that ended in an uncomfortable way, either report the user, or explain the circumstances through an appeal.

Never get dragged down into a personal verbal confrontation.

This being said, remember this is an international site, with people from all around the world, all from different backgrounds, maybe there are sometimes a misunderstanding regarding intentions through communication?
Everyone who is not Lucky enough to be me should respect me.
@JASKIRATSINGH said in #6:
> respect deleted?? #1
Nope. I never tolerate any disrespect.
I thought deleting my own comment would remove the entire post but i didn't know it wouldn't.
and its ok,
I will re post the original post again so you and others can read what i exactly wrote.
You are a prime example of a toxic disrespectful person as well.
You provoke others with your toxic word to humiliate others but sadly you do not humiliate anyone but yourself.
Your word define you only, not me, or anyone else.
When you say any negative disrespectful word to belittle others it clearly sate and define you as a toxic person.
Say word only to encourage the others so they can become a better version of themselves, in other words say good word to encourage them so they can come out of their toxic manipulative disrespectful behavior.
Contribute yourself to make a better environment for everyone, work for a greater cause.
The world is already filled to so much toxicity.
Spread positivity, and stop being a toxic Person.
That's the idea.
Here is the Original Post #1

Hi Lichess!
I was thinking about creating this forum post for a while and now i think i should write something about this topic.
The thing is that users on lichess can communicate with each other on chat during or after the game. It is expected that the users should be nice on chat but sometimes some users are very rude and disrespectful. Even if you approach them in a friendly manner often they are very rude and disrespectful which is completely unacceptable. And if you try to correct them with good word they don't reply you back but they "report", pretending they are victim and innocent and they make you feel even worse. Such hypocrisy should never be tolerated.
It feels really bad when Lichess send messages like, -
"Lichess is intended to be a pleasant environment for everyone. Offensive language - which includes swearing, abuse, and harassment - is forbidden"
Why lichess send this message to the person who is innocent? This is so utterly stupid from Lichess.
You Lichess, should send that message to the user who started all this playing victim in disguise of a cat when in reality they are "Mr Fox".
Stop sending stupid warning messages Lichess to your users without completely understanding the context cause it's very rude and disrespectful behavior from you as well. Respect your users Lichess if you want to uphold your reputation.

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