
New feature request : in arena tournaments

@Prince_of_6ixty4our what you initially said is simply not true at all. Pairings are picked by rankings, not ratings. At the beginning these are the same, but after that they're not. You get many unbalanced pairings. And there's no proper way to handle latejoiners. Maybe if you run a series of team-internal arenas and you find that someone is deliberately latejoining all the time, you can kick them off your team.

@Sathursan_18 You can't impose an absolute and relative number of pausing. You'd have to communicate how many pauses are available, and that creates pressure anyway if it's not a generous number. Also there are automatic pauses when missing a game.

Besides, when you pause and unpause excessively, sooner or later a little cooldown will come up.
See @Sathursan_18 if anyone wish to come first then he/and obviously needs to play with top rated players and by the way no one plays arena tournament to be champion😂😂✌️
@Sathursan_18 uh what? if you pause when you're leading, you can only win when nobody catches up?

Besides, I know that some people enjoy latejoining to start with easy opponents, but that's not cheating, as they don't get much rating increment from this.

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