
Red sound icon

Unfortunately still muted on iPad safari ... the red audio icon comes up when a move is played if checking lichess tv as example.
It's an incredible coincidence, but LiChess Tools also adds an icon telling the user to click or there is no sound, and it is in the exact same position. Next version will use the one lichess provides.

I do have a comment, though. The AudioContext will be disabled until navigator.userActivation.hasBeenActive is enabled (for Chrome at least), so one can determine if the AudioContext can be enabled without trying unsuccessfully and getting that annoying console.warn message. Then, ANY CLICK will allow the AudioContext be used. I feel like the current implementation of the warning icon is uselessly annoying because it doesn't go away when you click anything else. It just stays there until you click it, even if the sound is enabled and working fine.

If you make the icon disappear the moment hasBeenActive (or whatever works on other browsers) is true, then a lot of the nuisance goes away.
And yes, you can go a bit lazy and just check if the AudioContext .state = 'running' and it works just as well. My point is that the icon should not be there if the AudioContext has been activated.
I see nothing wrong with this feature. I find it useful to know immediately whether the sound is on or not.
Hi TotalNoob69, thanks for the tip!

I WISH we could rely on hasBeenActive. Regardless, the icon will dismiss now on all browsers at the first user interaction after the next asset deploy. We just got done migrating the lichess sound code from a legacy package so there are still a few kinks to be worked out.
I did an iOS update ... then I did some security response update ... so on latest iOS update .. then after restarting the issue is gone

Thanks for the efforts.. seems to work now

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