
Rating offset potential issue on homepage activity log

Hi all

There seems to be a rating change issue on the homepage log

Yesterday I got one of my first 2700+ performances in a team tournament, but my log shows:

Played 23 Blitz games 2505 - 41

This doesn't match what happened yesterday

Maybe I am misreading things but is this a possible bug
To the right it indicates:

17 wins 3 draws 3 losses
Played 23 Blitz games 2505 41

Which does seem to match the team tournament i played at a 3 minutes with 2 second increment

It seems the info on the left doesn't align with the info on the right - maybe they are taken from different time points or something but it seems a little confusing.

Cheers, K
Looks like an issue doesn’t it. Your rating that day went from 2442 to 2505, an increase of 63, not a decrease of 41.

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