
Feedback on the new game chooser interface

The old list was cool, looked like bubbles that would pop when chosen. I liked the white crown or black crown or question mark to show side. Can't beat the chess board background either. But I do appreciate how thibault compromised between list and graph mode. Wish he would compromise with having the option for chat or the who's following who thing. That would be a perfect world. Who is John Gault?
There we go, that looks much better, much more professional looking too. Good work!
Only thing missing is the colour indicator (white, black, random) for the list view.
we need a column "White/Black/?" to know what side we are going to join)
I cannot create a game, I can only join games which have already been created. All the options come up, but nothing happens when I click on them.
Have you tried a hard refresh of the page: Ctrl + F5 ?

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