
Previous games table - can we please get rid of it?

Before i start hating on this feature, it really is one of the very few gripes i have with this site, so bare with me.

Can i respectfully critique the decision to place the previous games table at the bottom of the game board. This table is all very nice, but the decision to use a button rollover to activate a popup for the final position of a previous game SUCKS! It is so distracting to constantly have a popup appear over the live position. The positioning of this table is such that I activate it over and over again during a game.

Before anyone suggests 'just use zen mode', i want to see who my opponent is and what their grade is when the game starts, which means constantly clicking back and forth into zen and out of it.

Would it be possible to change the table so that it no longer uses a hover over to activate the previous game, but rather required a click to achieve the same action? Either that or have an option to remove the table completely.

I can see the value of it, it is definitely nice to have, but the current implementation is super distracting/annoying. As is typical with these things, it often pops up during a time scramble and can be amazingly frustrating when it does.

Many thx for reading
Why should anybody change the code for you? Nobody forces you to move the mouse over the previous games table. It takes such small a space on the screen that you really have to want it. And you need to have a deep will to criticize at least something (or to shout "SUCKS" indeed, as @MrPushwood states) to detect this "bug".

Now just imagine Lichess developpers would eagerly follow @marinkatomb 's instructions. How many postings could we read about "no board shown when hovering ..." etc.
Sorry, but it really does suck! It is so close to the bottom of the game board that it is almost unavoidable to activate it when playing. Be honest, you've done it yourself. Sorry if capitalising SUCKS has ruffled some feathers, but it is extremely annoying and unnecessary.
What truly ruffles my feathers is when somebody tells you how they're being "respectful" right off the bat just so they can take a great big whoppin' dump on something a little bit later on. ;)
Don't see the score, as simple as that.
You can easily prevent your mouse hovering over the score.
In any case it won't be changed after all it shows the score of series of games between two players and there's nothing to hate the score unless one is having very low score against opponent that they want to erase again which isn't a feature at Lichess. Adjust with this.
Ok, sorry for ruffling feathers. My opinion of the general design of this site is that is really excellent across the board. I didn't come here to upset anyone, if i did, then i apologise.

My point still stands though, this table and it's popups are really really distracting. I cannot really see how anyone can suggest that having a popup which covers the board during a live game can ever be useful. For example, i just played a game where my own rating covered my king when i went to castle. I can honestly not see any need for me to have my own rating displayed over a live game, ever.

The previous game table is a nice feature, as i previously stated. I do use it, but i really can't understand why it need to be where it is. Interestingly, when the game starts it displays quite low and out of the way, but when a move is made on the board it's location changes so it is right underneath the 1st rank. Is it meant to do that? If it stayed out of the way it wouldn't be such an issue for me, but having it so close that touching any first rank piece comes with this huge popup appearing over the board is amazingly annoying. Why does it move? Should it be doing that?
Make your board bigger. I never see the thing because I make the board push it out of the screen. Realistically that's probably your best option; they're not gonna change it.
A good suggestion, but i use a touchpad. If i make the board bigger i can't drag the pieces the full length of the board. Also, moving is a lot slower on a big board.

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