

<Comment deleted by user>
Same here. This problem with the sticky bar and the 3D pieces was fixed a little while ago but now the problem came back some days ago if a background image is used :(
The problem is still fixed if no background image is used
Dunno why OP deleted his post but issue is still there...
LichessTools chrome extension developer @TotalNoob69 has added a function that hides / show the menu on hot key ` followed by H.
It works as a great work-around until Lichess fixes the issue.
*edit: I prefer the hide menu method above the sticky menu, and will probably stick with the LichesTools way even after the fix :)

Take a look at it.

LKichessTools extension also has a lot of other functions that is a great extension of Lichess, and really worth it.

(the original post was made redundant by the second post containing better info.)

You press ` (the key to the left of 1) and then h, and it toggles whether the menu is shown or not.
Almost like Zen, but Zen did not remove the blurred header background.

Bump, problem is still not addressed :(
Last time it was fixed by a Z-index trick, maybe someone overwrote the fix with old code?

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