
I've just found out that I don't know how to checkmate with king and queen

@GoLdEnFLAME whenever I play someone sligthly stronger in 10+0 or less, I lose on time quite frequently, at this point I've become used to it.
Why would you promote to a rook? It's stupid: If you want to save time you should enable auto-promote. And K+R vs K is not at all premovable, even K+Q vs K is not entirely premovable.
with ctrl button on the keyboard u can choose rook when auto-promote is enabled.

its just the safer option for me if i only have like 5sec left, but u are right u cant premove it entirely.
@vio7 my point is not that K+R vs K is NOT ENTIRELY premovable. K+Q vs K is NOT ENTIRELY premovable, K+R vs K is NOT AT ALL premovable. That's an important difference. With K+Q vs K it takes me about 1 seconds to mate, with K+R vs K at least 5.
@noobforlife It may be a good idea to open the analysis board and edit the pieces so it's just K v K + Q / K v K + P P etc etc and just practise mating as fast as you can. Once you cement the ideas into your mind you won't be paranoid of stalemates and you'll checkmate them without using up much time. These positions seem simple, but when you have a few seconds of time left it makes you panic.

@rickrenegade it's true that I've never really practiced those basic mates in order to solve them without thinking, it's funny but I think hot to mate with King and rook vs king maybe like in less than 1% of my games.

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