
Chestnut Air

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I haven’t been able to find it. On the Chessnut website, it says that Lichess is supported but not all features will work - no
more detail than this. I am using IOS and want to use online games in Lichess on the Chessnut
air. Can anyone tell me if this works well please?

I have personally used Chessnut Air and it works like a charm. I would recommend playing only 10+5 or longer as sometimes I have noticed a lag or 1 maybe 2 seconds and you can't afford that in very fast time controls. You can play regular games as well as tournaments. Just remember to quickly reset the board in tournaments.
Thanks for the response. 15/10 is the fastest I play, so it sounds like it’s a good fit. Are you using IOS?
It most certainly is. Yes, I use iOS and it works. Mostly plug and play. I've had one or two isolated instances where it disconnected in a game so keep the game going on your phone or tablet next to you.

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