
Ever Wonder What You Could Have Accomplished?

@clutchnutz Yeah. I really just mean what other things could one have accomplished. A lot of people here are talking about how your chess skills wouldn’t improve or that there are chess players who have been other things, or that chess has been important to them, but that’s all besides the point.
I’m pretty much saying to leave chess out of the answer. For example, if that 1000 hours that one has spent in chess were spent playing tenis, how good would you be at tenis? If those hours were spent writing novels, could you be at best selling author?
I posted this thread just because sometimes I do wonder what all else I could have done with the time I’ve spent (though I’m not at all regretting playing chess)
@Developmentals I probably would have spend my time playing video games and watching netflix if it wasn't chess. Fantasising about things I wouldn't have done anyway doesn't make much sense to me. You most likely would have never played 1000 hours writing novels or playing tennis.
What a person values and the importance they place on it in many ways defines what they want to accomplish. If a person values being wealthy, they might start their own business and learn to invest. If they value being healthy, they might improve their diet and start working out, and so the list goes on.

Similarly, there is a reason behind why someone would value playing chess over doing something else. While there might not be much to accomplish financially from chess except for the few, some accomplishments one may gain from chess include having an avenue for creativity and critical thinking, feeling the satisfaction of competing and winning, engaging in a mentally stimulating hobby, constantly learning & growing as a person etc.

If I believed playing chess was stopping me from accomplishing something greater, I would have stopped chess then and there. Many things can still be accomplished by being well-rounded and doing things in moderation.
Actually I've found playing chess gave me some interesting insights into my basic character flaws (these same insights have been echoed by my investing in the stock market.)

Chess has held up a mirror to myself and has showed me that I am impatient and overly too rigid in the way I approach the problems one faces in life.

It also gave me the opportunity too, if not to correct these character flaws, to at least become more aware of them and to try to correct them as best I can by improving my approach to the game itself.

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