
Can anyone beat Carlsen on the long run, especially on the long run with serious attitude?

He is indeed a gift for chess, for chess promotion and THE reason why kids keep on playing although they are disadvantaged in this century that our capitalistic energy eating snake oil society has left for them to chew. Smartphones and laptops have scientifically been proven to be a down dragging factor when it comes to concentration, learning and sling data into the long term memory. Things went better but reached their peak. There were bad ass provocateurs like Hunter S. Thompson who cut their piece from what is best. Listen to 'White Rabbit' from Jefferson Airplane and you remember what ''good singing'' is. Listen to Aphex Twin's ''Rhubarb'' and you suddenly know what ''meaning'' and your potential funeral soundtrack is. But let's come back to chess, the game that is supposed to ''never ever'' not get boring, the game with - still infinite possibilities-

The Magic...

There are many candidates who proved to be worth for conquering the chess world. Especially Alireza is genuine, however couldn't reach the top of endurance and pace in slow professional games yet. Besides, he is the youngest talent with serious world class potential, and one in a third of ''no one can reach his bullet skills'', furthermore equipped with bad traps, even in the disadvantaged endgames. He is like Bortnyk making the draw anyway, but with slightly more winning potential. It seems like Alireza is just winning with pure mental persuasion. If there is something what the ordinary can learn from this young adult, it is this manner.

Eventually, time rushes and a combining finishing line has to be drawn for this topic. Fabi made it more than well with ultra precision in the OTB slow game chess, however lacked the tie break, ''bullet kind of'', skills, an occasion where Ali would have been more dangerous, but would never reached the occasion to get there. Now it seems that Nepo is the next challenger, and he has indeed a realistic chance (now that Carlsen gets old, and has so much more to lose than any other concurrent). We are burning for the results!

The final line, is that Carlsen is one of he most special personalities, and probably always will be in the the first century of the 2000+ century. He is the best chess player, I have ever seen.

Please contribute to this thread and share your opinion what is going to happen in the chess world, and why chess is great and we keep up plaing it.
I think challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi has good chances and that the upcoming world championship match will be very interesting given their difference in styles (Nepo's sharp ingenuity and creative playstyle vs. Magnus' precise positional play and solid playstyle). In any case, I hope that we don't get 12 draws like last time!

I don't even would dress myself to know what style they have in this league, isn't it just the best move??, or going purposely for an unclear position with confident skills for what's coming up there. I don't know man.

Yes the last world championship match was, let's say what it was, boring, and confirmed what I call ''Fishers fear'' because drawish you know. That is why I was amused of Levon and Mamedyarov games recently, no draw at all. Yes chess is boring, and the shortest time category should be the major category, why not? That is also why Carlsen doesn't lack anything in this stage, why he is really cool although I hated him 10 years ago for being such a water melon ^^. Probably jealous
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Neither Karjakin nor Caruana got destroyed. Why should Nepo? If he loses at all he will lose barely.

Carlsen is not a dominating World Champion like some World Champions in the past. Almost never saw him dominating a tournament or a match at classical time control. The times of dominating players seem to be over anyway. Carlsen just never had really bad results for many years unlike his rivals. That was his greatest strength.
@mrbasso Yeah, Magnus Carlsen just holds the record for the highest rating of all time and has been the highest rated player for over a decade. He is/has been the highest rated player in Classical and all other time controls at the same time. He's also a long reigning world champ. He's a total blueberry. Totally not dominating at all.
You obviously never read something about rating inflation... The average rating of the best players was simply much lower in the last century.

Kasparovs 2851 is better than Carlsens 2889 for example because it was achieved 1999 with only 10 2700 players at the time.
I’m team carlsen although he’s gonna get smashed by nepo let’s face it
I think challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi has good chances and that the upcoming world championship match will be very interesting given their difference in styles (Nepo's sharp ingenuity and creative playstyle vs. Magnus' precise positional play and solid playstyle). In any case, I hope that we don't get 12 draws like last time!

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