
Whats up with quiting when lose?

I had like 3 people who rematch many games (like 5+ games) I lose all those games but the moment I won 1 game then they insta leave and decline rematch?!

Is this some intentional move to tilt players? or they get scared? I am wondering the thinking behind this lol
Well obviously this is good for your rating... They search for weaker players with reatively high rating they can farm.

I often do not play rematches at all.
They leave or resign? I think it's really rude to just leave the game.
#1: Such People Probably Think You Are Tilting, And They Can Farm You For Rating-Points - But When You Win, They May Think You Have successfully Un-Tilted.

My Recommendation: Don't Ever Do Rematches, Unless It's Casual.
I will grant a rematch whether I won or lost if it's Chess960, to test the odds with both colors

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