
Pairing in tournament

Is there a way to avoid to have repeated pairings that occur frequently when there are few players in the tournament?
Thanks in adavance
Feature solution request:
A pop-up option asking do you want to play a third time with the same player?
If you answer no, you will get paired with a player you never played against or a player that you still have not rotated colors with. In a way, it creates a swiss effect in the arena tournament.

If they answer yes, then they will have a chance to play another two times with that player by rotating the colors.

Once all players have played twice against each other...
A new message shows up saying the Arena tournament has now done full cycle and the stage one standings are ....
The arena continues until the end time is reached and ends in the same manner as our present tournaments, but with a tab to see the stage one, two, three, standings.

For some chess clubs this might do the trick for pairings.
I think that is too complicated @Toscani
Playing the same opponent multiple times is a part of Arena system. A real Swiss-system would be a better alternative option. Also, being asked if you want to play the same player again is kind of unfair because the players can then influence the pairin.
A swiss system is basically getting paired with similar scores.

If you played 10 times against the same player and you lost every time, do you think that's good for your rating?
I think it creates over inflated ratings for the player winning and under inflated ratings for the player always losing against that player.

Feature request: If our ratings would not change after playing the same player twice (once with Black & once with white) during an arena tournament, then the arena would still have the same players winning first place, but the ratings would be less over and under inflated. It would be like a Swiss and Arena mixed together in one tournament.

One of the aims of swiss is not to play the same player twice. The aim of arena is to win the max number of games.

The games get rated in the same manner, but changes are slower if you end up playing in tournaments.
If you press the Quick pairing and play the player 10 times, then your rating will continue to change like it presently does.

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