
Imagine ur rating is 2300

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I'd probably think "Why do I suck so much at chess..." at least that's what I thought at every rating
@TheKingClash said in #10:
> If my rating was 2300 in FIDE, then I would quickly verify a FM title.
> If my rating was 2300 on Lichess, then, "WHO STOLE MY 44 RATING POINTS?"

Ah yes, finally, a moment where @TheKingClash tries to be funny!
1. Amazed: "Wait what?"
2. play some games with some Cms or other high-rated players
3. lose rating and come back to my actual rating
*pinches myself* owww! Wait so this real??
*Plays 10 games*
Finally iam at my target of 2000

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