
Не отображается статус стримера

Здравствуйте. Подала заявку на статус стримера. Ее одобрили. Провела трансляцию, указала в названии, но на странице стримеров я так и не появилась и значка с микрофоном мне так и дали. Подскажите в чем может быть причина?
It's a problem with YouTube. You can try to stream again until it eventually works.
What does YouTube have to do with it? It’s Lichess who tracks the start of the stream.
У меня такая же проблема. Один из вариантов , может быть дело в названии или нужно какое то определенное время (например месяц стримить). Хотя лучше наверное спросить у опытных стримеров.
@Chess_Marta said in #3:
> What does YouTube have to do with it? It’s Lichess who tracks the start of the stream.

The words of a developer in a similar case: "There is nothing we can do, we’ve reported the problem to youtube and they won’t fix it. The only thing you can do is stream again and hope it’s picked this time, or switch to twitch"

And this should also be related:

Sorry that there seems to be no real solution, but hopefully it will work if you try again.
@AAArmstark How does Lichess know which channel is mine? Is he using the link to my YouTube that I added in my profile description? Maybe this is the problem and you need to specify a link to the broadcast tab, and not to the YouTube channel itself?
If you've entered your YouTube channel ID on your Lichess Streamer page where it says "Your YouTube channel ID", then you've set everything up correctly.

Others have had the same problem, you can only try again and see if it works.
@AAArmstark I noticed that I was not given streamer status in the form of a microphone icon. I went to Sergei Zhigalko’s page and he has a microphone. He's not online. This means that the microphone icon is always visible. I was approved as a streamer because I received a notification from the moderator. What is the reason for the missing microphone icon?
Yes, the microphone icon will remain there once the streamer page has been activated and it will light up when the streamer is online.

The reason it hasn't been activated for you is because Lichess hasn't been able to pick up your livestream due to the problems with YouTube.
To get a microphone you need to activate your streamer page, see
So basically, you need to stream within a week after your request has been approved with "" in the stream title (and "Chess" category if you are streaming on Twitch).
Another pro tip for YT is to set a Video language under YT studio --> Settings --> Upload defaults --> Advanced settings to whatever language that you use, otherwise it's going to default to English.

The issue that you have here is that you are struggling to activate your streamer profile. Lichess doesn't see that you are streaming, because Google's API for some weird reason doesn't tell Lichess that you do.

What I can suggest is to add a Twitch account to your streamer profile (you can have both Twitch and YT there, it would have to be re-approved, since it changed). Once approved, activate it by streaming on Twitch and then try YouTube again. At least you would have options if YT doesn't work and wouldn't be bounded by that one-week activation period.

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