
Why are Americans so hypocritical?

Disclaimer: I'm an American.

The same Americans who want to take away our gun rights are okay with arming Ukrainian civilians with Kalashnikovs.

The same Americans who want to defend the Ukrainian border do not care about our border with Mexico.

The same Americans who care about bodily autonomy in terms of abortion do not care about mandated medical procedures in terms of vaccines.

The same Americans who want Europe to be energy independent are against, among other things, the Keystone pipeline.

The same Americans who hated being at war in the middle east are now all of sudden cheering for U.S. intervention against Russia.

And funnily enough, these types of Americans will barrage you with comments about having "cognitive dissonance." This irony is pathetic.
Well, the second claim comes down to what the media focuses on, but the rest are a bit controversial and can be argued both ways.
The third claim is because freedom comes with its cons, and those cons are misinformation, insults, and irony.
The fourth claim can be argued for energy sustainability.
And the others I have no explanation for.

btw I am also American
I believe Majority of people are hypocrite. Not just any particular nationality and race.
Well it's easy to find people who are worse at reasoning. So naturally people think they know a lot and become overconfident (drunning kuger ;))

Although I haven't met those people so far so I haven't got the opportunity to ask
So why the Americans aren't providing help to the Ukrainians as see 1st there was a very dangerous pandemic and not only USA no more countries can afford to waste more of their currency Thats the main reason And besides there is some political tactics too of the other countries as Russia wants the crude oil trade which is very valuable for Ukraine and every country and NATO would also ask a share
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Oh, I've got one!
"The same Americans who claim the other side only sees one side of an issue only see one side of an issue."

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