
little prodigy 8 years old become chess champion in 1 year

prétendre ceci ou cela. ne fous sentez pas etre la souris pris das les griffes d'un chat. que vous soyez raciste gay ou auttre reste vos problémes. ont parle d'un petit nigerian qui est devenue maitre des échecs. voila tout. le reste n'a strictement aucun interet. sauf si untel a besoin de se sentir remarquer en deviant le contexte en un autre sens.
It is an amazing story! There is so much going on in parts of Nigeria with terrorist occupation that you will never hear about in Western news. I spoke with a Nigerian refugee several months ago in Michigan who's father had been lit on fire and burned to death for being a Christian... yep.. you read that right. What you are reading there in the OP's article is significant!
This is really uplifting. Amazing how, despite his circumstances, he found something he love and manage to rise at such a young age. This makes my day.
absolutely ! I agree with you. it's incredible. sentenced to a tragic fate he finds the exit race to chess. that's a beautiful story. I'm happy for this little one. may be in a few years he will be recognized as a great chess player
The story and the numerous other articles are obvious pro-immigration propaganda with black victimology sprinklings for added flavor to draw in white guilt money from brain dead middle-class white progressives. Use your brains people.

What the article would have you believe: This kid is the next Paul Morphy, and he is black this time! Not only that he escaped a deadly warzone, and has been living on the streets eating out of garbage cans to find nutrition. Nobody ever helped him at all, and he did it all on his own. He has accomplished so much at such a young age that nobody else ever has. He is practically a GrandMaster at only 8-years-old. He will become the youngest GM in history, and will soon be facing Magnus Carlsen in a championship match. He has no advantages over anyone and his life is a nightmare.

What the reality of the situation is: This kid is not the next Paul Morphy. He is black. He did not escape a warzone, Nigeria is one of the better off African countries and his parents came here as economic migrants. The boy is not living on the streets, but he does live in a homeless shelter with his parents where he has fresh food, a warm bed, a blanket, access to a laptop, heat and air conditioning. Actually better conditions than Paul Morphy had. Also, he spends hours each day playing chess online, and there is a coach that has been teaching him for several hours each day. Him being only 8-years-old is questionable as he looks a few years older than that and does not have paperwork that shows his birthday although this can not be confirmed either way. There have been thousands of 8-year-old state champs in his age bracket across the country since the 1970s, but this is the first black one (The others being Asian, or White) so this is the first one we hear of. Can you progressives name any other 8-year-old state champs? Didn't think so... (there are thousands, whites and Asians don't count to you though...) He has been given on gofundme enough money to buy a nice home by strangers just for playing some chess. He is nowhere near GM strength, and has little chance of facing Magnus in a championship match. He is pretty good for a chess player of his alleged age, but nothing spectacular. Eventually the child will wind up going down the same path many child actors do b/c such fame and glory at a such age before the real world slaps him down thanks to progressives. They are sacrificing him on the altar of progressivism in the name of diversity.

Alright now come call me racist for stating facts.
Amen. Guess I will just save your reply and post it when another progressive brings it up again.
you can keep your hateful comment for you. we can do without your point of view.
@Queen-Mary Where is the hateful commentary? I have no hate for the progressives. Just disappointment in their simplistic childlike understanding of this reality we all share. It's a pity I have for them, not a hatred. Like Mr. T, "I Pity the fool." Enjoy your safe space as you are obviously uncomfortable with ideas that are not the ones that have been drilled into you over and over again by mainstream propaganda outlets. In fact, I have more sympathy for this child they hold up on a pedestal than they do. The boy should be left alone to live his life, and not be spread around on all sorts of sensationalist news outlets as a "Feel good piece" to quench the demand for it by the "orange man bad" crowd.
they have awarded an honor for this little boy. ok everything is fine end point. why come add your salad that seeks to portray this honor.

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