
When a juicy Pawn, becomes poisoned...

... and you end up trapping the Queen via a nice little Rook lift.

Since bragging about one's own games is the norm now, please give me a lot of likes and horseys, so that I can get my daily dose of dopamine. On a serious note, I wonder why the Fish hates my move 9. Nde2 so much. I know theory of this opening says that I should play 9. Nxc6, but I wonder why allowing Black to get a massive Pawn centre and/or allowing Black to double my Pawns with Bxc3 on the next move would be a good thing. Any ideas? 🤔

1) A juicy poison pawn indeed!
2) False doses of dopamine can be addictive. You see this in video games and youtube. This prevents you from the traditional way of dosing on dopamine: learning new skills and playing outside and socializing physically.
3) Just because something is the norm, or popular, does not mean that is necessarily right.

Other than that, you played a pretty solid game. Kudos. :)
9 Nde2 is passive. You retreat your knight. The exchange 9 Nxc6 gives you a large advantage, after 9...dxc6 10 Qxd8+ as well as after 9...bxc6 10 e5
You always have to consider before taking with the Queen on b2/b7,
This is a nice example of a pawn heavily laced with loads of poison.

Nice example and congrats

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