
Commission Request: Computer Chess Piece Set (in SVG)

Hello Lichess! I am looking to commission a cutesy chess piece set in SVG. I have a budget of $5/piece ($30 total) to be paid upfront through PayPal (though I’m up for other payment options too).

More details about it are to be discussed.

If you have interest, please do send me a message here on Lichess or on Discord (I’m just “zamfofex” in Discord, send me a friend request). Please also share some of your existing work too for me to take a look!

After done, the piece set will be made available publically for anyone to use for free!

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Apologies if it’s not appropriate to ask about this in this forum. If this isn’t welcome here, I hope it can be understood that I don’t have any ill intentions.
I have a specific style in mind that I’m looking to commission! I was never able to find anything that matches what I want closely enough, so I decided I want to have someone make it so that I can share it in case others also like it.

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