
Are We Artists

@Celestial_Object That's a very interesting way of putting it that I hadn't considered before. Perhaps the definition I used is a bit myopic; my art knowledge is dismal at best.
A limitation of tools and options often leads to great ingenuity. Necessity is the mother of invention.

This is why I try and never resign a game: perhaps I can still stumble upon check or stale mate, but more importantly I might learn something in the process.

This might be a shady practice, akin to a clock runner. But it is occasionally said that one does not produce something interesting until after the first 1000 pages of drawings or writings. This might be the same with an art like chess?


|===== | Well Said |------|

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|.________.To make sure its a new art form we make _two ________Impossible To Ignore

________3 ______________Impossible To Forget

___________________one ___ Impossible To Recognize / Understand
why does the artist aspire to new art?
Chess is like art but there is no connection between the two. Also there are different talents in art but with chess your talent can only be measured if you win the game. Chess grand masters are born not made you can not become a grand master in chess simply because you want to if you do not have the natural talent you can not achieve that level.
--hardly anyone can become a Grand Master no matter how hard he works without inherent ability, a photographic memory, the willingness to spend a large proportion of his waking hours studying and practicing chess, plus a fanatical desire to win.

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--- ----- --You can become as good as you are serious.

Someone who wants to become a GM must dedicate many hours every day for study and constantly participate in strong tournaments. During the night they usually dream chess positions and opening variants. They must have a fantastic memory and nerves of steel. They also need a partner for study and training of at least the same level. The hobby becomes a passion and the training becomes a way of living.

The path to improvement is more fun than the result. Chess is a great hobby, no matter your rank as you always compete against people of the about the same level as you. Your hobby is highly intellectual; it keeps your mind active and healthy.
And as it is so complex, every step you make forward to understand it better, to discover its secrets, will bring you more joy and reveal more of the game’s beauty.

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