
1/2 Pawn storm

I often get confused about the pawn storm thing regarding few pawns. After all doesn’t blac’ Have two options when they’re is a h pawn attack by either moving his pawn to h6, or his other pawn To g6? What disadvantage did black get by moving a pawn on his castles side, though people say it makes weaknesses I feel like I have weakened my side more than theirs
Pawn storm = anything where you shove your pawns down the board.
The most usual point of a pawn storm is to open lines for the rooks. Since you mentioned pushing past the storming pawn(s), I will only mentions the weaknesses of these moves. The moving of pawns in front of your king does create some weakness. The weakness of the dark squares can be fatal if black pushes his g-pawn. The pushing of the h-pawn, especially in response to a g6 push, often leads to a Bxh6 sacrifice and the open lines become crucial.

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